Garden Bloggers Bloom Day Foliage Follow Up February 2014 Snow…What’s up

I haven’t heard this sound in a long time.  In the stillness of the landscape there is a crackling sound of branches as ice falls from them.  Several storms have passed and at the present time we just endured our sixth snowfall of the season. It is time for another Garden Bloggers Bloom Day and Foliage Follow-Up, and while not much is blooming this time of year, the garden is full of hope…well maybe.  I know all of the cold climate folks are getting a bit stir crazy and have seen way too many snow photos…but prepare yourself...there are more in the near future. I am also celebrating A Guide to Northeastern Gardenings Fourth Anniversary on the 17th. so I included some macros taken with the new lens. Come take a look at the garden in winter.  
   Hydrangea Endless Summer Flower Seed Head
Nellie Stevens Holly Berries
Crape Myrtle Sioux Seed Head
Western Arborvitae and Spreading Yew
Picea orientalis Skylands
Acer Palmatum Sango Kaku 
(Coral Bark Maple)
Ice Bubbles in Birdbath
Gardens & Rock Waterfall in Winter Mode

Picea pungens Montgomery Foliage

Skylands Spruce, Barberry and Weeping Blue Atlas Cedar
Garden Under Blanket of Snow
I know this is not the traditional post and I am counting on our warm climate bloggers to chime in and show off some blooms. After all...isnt that what Garden Bloggers Bloom Day is all about?   Carol at May Dreams Gardens had a good idea with this meme.  We can  experience blooms every month no matter what the time of year.  Also thanks to Pam at Digging for hosting Foliage Follow-UpWhile there arent any blooms in the garden right now I can focus on foliage and buds which are a hopeful sign.   Maybe next month will be more promising!  Happy Garden Bloggers Bloom Day & Foliage Follow-Up!

And As Always...Happy Gardening!

Author: Lee@ A Guide to Northeastern Gardening.  All rights reserved 2014.


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